The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum

Had a couple of days to spare before heading to another project giving us the opportunity to visit the much raved about life size reproduction of Noah's Ark.  We now know why the Ark Encounter (link)  is a must see attraction if you are even remotely close to Williamstown, KY. As we drove under the welcoming arch and into the parking lot, we caught a glimpse of it but it was still quite some distance away and looked small. Once parked we were ushered to a waiting shuttle bus that would go a roundabout way towards the ark; then as you crest a hill -  BAM - you see this mammoth structure looming on the horizon that looks so out of place!

These pictures will never capture the grandeur of this structure
For scale - look at the size of the people at the bottom of the bow


We often read the passages on Noah and the great flood starting in Genesis 6:9 and ends with the verse in Genesis 9:29 " Altogether, Noah lived 950 years, and he died". The focus was usually on why the ark was to be built, Noah's total obedience to God commands, who was going aboard the ark and the pairs and types of animals that were to board the ark. The duration of the flood and when Noah was finally allowed to disembark from the ark.
The next passages depict events after the flood and Noah's sons. We never gave much notice to the other "logistical necessities" that were needed to build the ark, then to outfit it with the supplies needed to undertake a journey of this magnitude and duration. Only upon entering the structure did we realize the enormous beams and timbers that were in involved in the construction. Even the building methods and technology of that time was never even considered. My construction oriented mind starts reeling with questions like: where did the huge timbers come from, how did they get it to the job site, how did they lift and put into place these heavy beams, what kind of working crews were on site and how many were utilized, how was all this paid for, and on and on ........
 Then there is the logistical concerns of what and how much food supplies will be needed for the animals and Noah's family for a year, how to keep the food supplies from spoiling, how to treat the waste generated,  how to keep the air fresh, etc........
Imagine a modern day cruise ship with a full complement of passengers and staff, complete with all the necessary supplies and amenities to last a week. Well this will have to be multiplied by 52 since the journey took about a year to complete. No human at that time with its limited technology would ever have figured all this out - only GOD would have the ability and knowledge  to undertake this miraculous undertaking!!!  
Another attraction that is only 45 minutes away and is considered a sister attraction is the Creation Museum (link) in Petersburg, KY. This is a very interesting museum that has both static and interactive exhibits explaining the origins of man, how the world was created, how certain events shaped the destiny of mankind and the earth. There are noted and prominent speakers that rotate on a daily basis, fantastic planetary exhibits, a beautiful exterior walking garden and many more attractions that will take most part of a day to complete.
Magnificent attraction such as these will help bring into focus the realization that creation of the earth and universe was not a random event, life on earth did not originate from a single celled blob, man did not evolve from the primates, and so much more accepted  scientific "facts" are debunked with scriptural  passages and clear explanations.
Our GOD is truly awesome in His ways; to GOD be the glory!!
Continued blessings 
