Camp Ozone, Rockwood, TN

Only a 5 hour drive from Casar, North Carolina is Camp Ozone (link) situated in Rockwood, TN. This is one of 13 camps owned and operated by Children's Bible Ministry (CBM) based out of Townsend, TN. This particular Camp has 322 acres of which a beautiful lake takes about 10 acres, new growth forest about 50 acres and the rest (250 acres) is in old growth wooded areas. Lots of trails and roads that go in every direction.
This will eventually be the main entrance to the camp
The land where Camp Ozone sits has an interesting history. It was originally built by a Northern Presbyterian group  in the early 1950's and was used as a work camp till the 1980's. A private individual bought the whole camp and renamed it "Red Fox Hunting Lodge" In 2002 the lodge was then sold to another church group that had plans to turn it into a retreat for missionaries while on furlough and for pastors on sabbatical but this model never really caught on. Thus the property laid idle for about 13 years until CBM in 2015 purchased it and is slowly refurbishing it back to a children and  youth camp.
Currently the camp has 2 full time staff; Brent Woodward is the Executive Director and Jeff Hardin who is the Maintenance Director. Brent is a seminary graduate and has been with CBM in Camp Grace, North Carolina for the last 12 years. He had moved into Camp Ozone in 2015 and like every "new" camp, Brent though being very capable and resourceful, still  has a huge challenge in front of him.
Jeff, a former district manager for an entertainment company has an amazing story on how God had led him to full time service and this camp - I will let him share that story when y'all come and visit at the camp.  A big bear of a man with a soft heart, he takes every opportunity to pray for those around him.
Then there is Warren and Lori Yates, CWCF / RV'ers 4 Christ full time Volunteer Missionaries who made Camp Ozone their "Home Camp". What this means is that they will  act as  the overall volunteer coordinator for the Camp's different work groups that comes to visit. They have been at the camp since May of this year and are in the process of building their home a couple of miles away. Funny to hear their stories of how a "yankee" is trying to integrate with the southern culture. Both Warren and Lori are like tireless working machines they never keep still long enough to allow the weeds to grow around them; always on the move and busy, busy, busy trying to juggle both camp and personal responsibilities! Though the may be moving like a windstorm, they always have time to sincerely listen and share their lives with those around them; a true indication of a servant's heart. 
There had been two other couples; (Lamar and Sandy; Ed and Mila) came in their RV's from Pensacola, Florida that had been at the camp about three weeks ahead of our arrival and had already accomplished a tremendous amount of work. 
It was a joy getting to know and working alongside Camp Ozone staff, the Pensacola group and the Yates. We look forward to the next opportunity for us to be able to serve with them in the future.
A few pictures that we are able to share while at the camp.
Birdseye view of CBM's Camps

Morning briefing and devotion

The Volunteer Girls who keep the camp in top shape
Cutting boards for cabin siding

The lake on a very calm day

Dock side gazebo
Creek that feeds the Lake

Another view of the amazing lake

What is real and what is the reflection


A petting zoo as well

Lori and Warren "incognito"

Lori manning the chop saw
Warren pushing with all his might :-)
As we travel through the back roads of America that most people bypass and never get to see, at every stop we make, it never ceases to amaze us as to how many folks of varied professional / personal backgrounds and cultures decide to shed all the "worldly stuff" that they had grown accustomed to are still able to come together as a cohesive unit to serve with a unified purpose; to win souls for God's Kingdom!  Our Lord truly works in mysterious and magnificent ways. 
Continued blessings to ALL    

